Saturday 22 April 2017

What is Love....??


Everyone has their version of Love and so do I...I am no different i have my version of love....
Whenever the word love comes to our mind we all start thinking about that one person....the name image automatically pops up in everyone of our mind....and don't lie at least when you are reading this you are all one is gonna know that name...

Anyways for me also love is important and yes some names pop up even in my mind...and i m not afraid to accept the fact that yes i was in that movie type love but now i am not...but in all this we normally forget that love is not restricted to just that one person...

We all have heartbreaks so when that happens people who stay with us to overcome that heartbreak or any sort of failure in our life ...we even love those people, at least they don't leave us ....these people are our friends our family....these people always stick by our side no matter what we go through....

These are those people who does not care weather we are rich, successful, we have cleared our degree or not these people don't care....all they care is about our happiness our satisfaction our smile....

No matter how "Kaminey" are friends are be grateful and thankful that you have them...and no matter how strict our parents or family is...they love you unconditionally so respect that and love your parents and family unconditionally...because they actually pray for you without thinking that they will get something in return....

So Mom dad adu tanuj and all my friends i love you...its hard to express but do tell your close ones today that you love me it will bring a beautiful smile on their faces...

So even if you don't have that one special person in your life doesn't matter because that does not mean you are not in are but you are just not ready to accept it as love but that is also love....πŸ’—πŸ’•πŸ’–πŸ’˜

P.S : This week met a person who just kept on cribbing about his should actually see that even you are not perfect...and still your family loves them the way they are and stop cribbing...


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