Saturday, 27 May 2017

The Corporate World....

A very tiring and a hectic week....I thought bank job was easy but gone are the days where bank jobs were only restricted to 10 to 4.....i have to reach office by 8:30 and i cant leave before 7 and its just my first week....

But even then after all the difficulties I am enjoying this work its exciting its new with every customer and in just one week i have realized that some people only want their work to be done by few specific even 2 customers now only want me to do their work...even though i know nothing....

This is because of what i really don't know but it feels nice when at the end somebody says thank-you...even if its just giving them a form...its a very challenging job because you have to have knowledge about every thing that happens in the bank..but for a fresher its difficult but i m trying my best and i m sure i will succeed one day....and with colleagues that i got are so helpful that i have no worries....

Anyways in all this what i am missing the most is my family time but the way everyone is supporting me i am just falling in love with everyone all over again...last week i could hardly give time to my family reason i would be so tired that after returning i would doze off....but my parents had no complains to it...they are seeing the change in my lifestyle...

But this is not with everyone in my life...but this time i am not gonna explain any one people who love me understands that i m not avoiding them its just that i m also trying to adjust with my new life...its not about the change in my priority its about the new beginning in my life that i know everyone is happy about but everyone will also have to understand that things are new even for me...even i need time to adjust and they will have to give me time rather then creating a fuss about it that i have changed...

But all's well that ends well and even though i come home dead i m happy my family is happy and that is what matters to me the most... 😊😊😊 

1 comment:

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